My comic con cherry has successfully been popped! This generally isolated, and socially awkward gal decided to take on one of the biggest conventions in all of NERDLand… New York Comic Con! The iconic convention, which takes place at the Jacob Javits Center, celebrated its 10th anniversary this year (way to go NYCC, you’re growing up so fast) and was full of flashy exhibits, action-packed panels and camaraderie to last a lifetime. No really, I think I’ve reached my cap on new friends.

Cosplay Edward Scissorhands At NYCC 2015
Did I mention there were loads of people? Like, more people than I ever needed to come in contact with for 20,000 of my lifetimes, but despite my sensory overload, everyone was eager and sporting some killer costumes. From classic Doctor Who to gloomy characters from Pixar’s Inside Out, a kick-ass Edward Scissorhands, oh and just about any and all superheroes you could ever imagine, the excitement shined through.

Star Wars Rebels At NYCC 2015
The highlight of my time spent at comic con would have to be the Star Wars Rebels panel, which had an extra special guest: Sarah Michelle Gellar. Yep, the one and only Buffy the Vampire Slayer was there (in my presence) and let’s just say she slayed this panel. She was quirky, and adorable and dare I say sassy! Listen, I’m gonna be real with you gentle readers: I have never watched Star Wars Rebels, or the Star Wars franchise for that matter (Yeah, go ahead and throw rocks at me) and I can honestly say after sitting through that panel with all of these exclusive clips (a kick ass new trailer!) and insight to the show and its characters I will definitely be watching now.
This article could probably scale 40 pages of all the things I did and saw and a play-by-play of my every move. But, who wants to read all that? My advice would be to stash some cash for the next several months and join the fun next year! All in all this was a great experience… I went home with lots of goodies from the showroom floor (yes, it took me a good two days to get through everything in that room) and interactions to last a lifetime.