So yesterday, I posted a somewhat open / mostly stupid letter to series showrunners urging them to make sure that I’m not watching their series — otherwise, The Curse will catch their series, and it would be prematurely canceled.

Then, I got asked which shows I was watching so that people could prepare for the worst. Well, well, today is your unlucky day. Here are the freshman series I’m hoping come back this fall — which most likely means they won’t. (I kid. Mostly.)


Revenge is currently the best show on television. You can try to debate that with me, but you won’t be able to change my mind, or even curb my opinion. With its sudsy and addictive twists, the ability to create characters everyone cares about, and a plot that has me still guessing what’s coming next — I need for the showrunners to have the chance to continue telling their story, preferably with a season 2 renewal.

Chance of renewal: 100% a sure thing, according to my own analysis. Which is to say that I looked over the ratings and feel very confident. And I don’t mean to toot my own horn, but I’m actually pretty good at the guessing game. That, and plenty of insider information given to actual television journalists says it will be back. So fret not, Revenge fans: your show is safe!

The Secret Circle

Looking at this picture again, I’m realizing how good looking this cast is. Well, sans Nick. Bye, bye Nick. Leave it to The CW. Anyway, every episode of The Secret Circle is more or less the same: Cassie is in danger, everyone tries to protect her, she almost dies, roll credits. But there’s something about this show that has me tuning in week after week wanting more. The suspense is really well done, the cast has great chemistry, and, disagree if you must, but the acting is all very good too. (Except for that one church scene. Let’s not talk about that.) I would love a second season for Secret Circle to continue telling whatever story it wants, bearing a game-changing season finale.

Chance of renewal: I think you should expect it to go either way. Even though The Secret Circle is the number two scripted program on The CW, it’s not number two by much — and it’s on right after the highest-rated program on the network. Given its average ratings for its cushion slot, I could see The CW scrapping this one.


You think you’ve never seen faster storytelling than The Vampire Diaries? Well, let me introduce you to Ringer, the other show about an Upper East Side fraud that has perfected the balance between which stories to burn through and which ones it should let simmer. On paper, Ringer is one of the worst dramas on television… but on screen, it oozes of mystery and intrigue — and it’s also just downright addictive, if you’re okay with being along for the ride. And in the last couple of episodes, Ringer may have shifted from bad on paper to absolutely amazing. I’ll just have to wait a couple more episodes to decide fully.

Chance of renewal: A snowball’s in hell is the chance it has. Perhaps Sarah Michelle Gellar can give this series a bit more to back it up, but if we’re going strictly on ratings, we should have been saying goodbye to this show some time back. My emotions can’t handle it.

So those are mainly the shows that I’d want to come back next season. I would have listed Whitney if it didn’t make me look like a giant jackass. Now, of course, there are non-freshman series I want to come back… and I’ll be making a post about those at a later time. But for now, is one of your favorite shows on this list? Which freshman shows do you want to come back next season? Did you realize every show listed here has a blonde female lead? Are you happy now that I find Once Upon a Time boring so that The Curse won’t get it?