Gossip Girl has pretty much arrived at a point where endgames have to be set.

Some of the characters remain up in the air, but I am fairly sure that Chuck and Blair are going to be together by the end of the series.

One thing that makes me certain about this is the continuity:

The show has been airing for almost five years. Chuck and Blair’s famous hook-up happened in episode 7 of season 1. Since that moment, the couple entered people’s hearts and has remained an important cornerstone for a show that is always in flux.

They have been talked and written about throughout the seasons, regardless of the status of their relationship. Even if they are not together now, it does not mean they will never be again in the future.

Another sign that makes me believe this show is going to end with Chuck and Blair is the many instances of foreshadowing we have seen, from the famous million-dollar Harry Winston engagement ring to the many wedding and family mentions.

Those are not just casual lines put there to satisfy fans; Chuck and Blair’s destiny has been decided a long time ago, even before the show runners thought they would get a season 5.

Some of you may say that since Chuck’s proposals went to waste, there is no hope anymore that they would actually get together again for good. However, we all know Blair won’t marry Louis — or at least won’t stay married to him. He is a guest star and he is not exactly what she wants. Blair has proved many times that Chuck is “the one I never want to leave” and “all I’ve ever wanted”.

They are the only two characters that for all this time have not stopped loving each other. As opposed to couples like Dan and Serena or Nate and Serena, Chuck and Blair represent the Gossip Girl relationship with the most longevity. And you cannot easily kill a four-year relationship in the span of a season… Of course feelings can change, but strong feelings like the ones Chuck and Blair feel for each other are forever (or at least they are forever in teen soap operas). They are family, as Blair told Chuck in the past.

Let’s look at what happened in the last episode: Blair was torn and she did not know if it was right to leave her future husband and father of her baby in order to go back to Chuck. Her heart decided for her. Even if the baby is not Chuck’s, he decided to take care of it regardless. He decided paternity did not matter because he loves Blair, and the natural thing to do would be to love Blair’s baby just as much — as much as Lily loved Chuck after Bart died.

Chuck and Blair were in a car wreck, which stopped their reunion this time around. They need to face obstacles before they can be together, just as in any great love story.

For sure their story isn’t going to save Gossip Girl. No couple is going to save that show. But Chuck and Blair have been a part of if for 4 years, and will continue to be to the end. After all, every great show has that couple no one forgets, right?