Round two of our Best Whisper-Talkers tournament quarterfinals is finally here. And it’s a battle of the Johns.
Casey versus Reese, that is.
A week ago, John Casey won against 30 Rock‘s Jack Donaghy and John Reese beat 24′s Jack Bauer and are now going head to head with each other. These two definitely whisper-talker, but which whisper-taler do you like best? Will it be Chuck’s Casey or Person of Interest’s Reese?
This poll closes Thursday at 9pm ET. You may vote as many times as you like.
Round 1: Chuck Bass vs Tina Belcher | Closes tomorrow. Vote here!
Round 2: John Casey vs John Reese | Vote above!
Round 3: Angel vs Klaus Mikaelson | Opens tomorrow!
Round 4: Brooke Davis vs Rick Grimes | Opens Thursday!